llaabb wwoorrkk!!

Peer reviewed resonant drone experiments. Scientific synth-gong rituals exploring resonance and dissonance.

<><>Next experiment...<!>

June 9th 2024, Splitting The Atom, at the Green Door Store, Trafalgar Arches, Brighton. They've got some more promo info for you to see.

** Recent reports *!@

February 8, Intox Extraveganza, London, UK

Intox Extraveganza have hosted experimental music in London for many years and saw the value of our research. They were happy to share their test subjects community with us. Some environmental factors arose which lead to protocol failures. Despite this, the test subjects responded well and we gathered some useful data. Some subjects reported feelings of elation and appreciation and none of them died. Overall it was beneficial to the larger project.

December 11, Spirit of Gravity, Brighton, UK

The generous, stallwart, Spirit of Gravity kindly allowed us to run some preliminary tests on their audience. This was a test run for us, as much as a test for them. We ran through the checks, but didn't bother with the disclaimers. They didn't seem to mind... Early data suggests the resonances worked as hoped. They kindly filmed the results, which you can see here.